Following the regrettable events at Wetherby on 14th October 2009, the British Horseracing Authority Racecourse Department has reviewed reports submitted by the Authority’s Course Inspectorate, its Veterinary Officer in attendance, the raceday Stewards and the Racecourse Managing Executive.
The Authority also commissioned a leading firm of sports turf agronomists, Professional Sportsturf Design, who visited the track on Thursday and were pleased with its condition and the ongoing maintenance being carried out.
The Northern Inspector of Courses, Chris Dennis, revisited the course on Friday morning to ensure the course remains safe, that appropriate aeration work has been, and will be, carried out and that watering continues so as to provide going that is suitable for Jump racing.
The Authority has also had discussions with the RSPCA, NTF and PJA. The participant feedback that the BHA has received has been almost exclusively positive in relation to the condition of the course at the last fixture.
Having considered all of the above, the Authority has concluded that there is no reason why racing at Wetherby should not go ahead as programmed.
Richard Linley, Senior BHA Inspector of Courses, said: “The trainer and jockey feedback in the run up to, and on the day of Wetherby’s last fixture, was really positive. There have been no calls whatsoever from their representative bodies to suspend racing. The track continues to look in good condition and we’ll continue to liaise closely with the racecourse ahead of next Friday”.